
Le code pour générer le site web du duché perché.
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gallery.scm (1976B)

      1 (define-module (duper builder gallery)
      2   #:use-module (haunt artifact)
      3   #:use-module (haunt html)
      4   #:use-module (haunt post)
      5   #:use-module (sxml match)
      6   #:use-module (sxml xpath)
      7   #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
      8   #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
      9   #:export (gallery))
     11 (define (sxml-filter tags)
     12   (lambda (lst)
     13     (map-union
     14      (lambda (node)
     15        (cond ((nodeset? node) ((sxml-filter tags) node))
     16 	     ((and ((node-typeof? '*) node) (memq (car node) tags))
     17 	      node)
     18 	     (((node-typeof? '*) node)
     19 	      ((sxml-filter tags) ((select-kids (const #t)) node)))
     20 	     (else '())))
     21      lst)))
     23 (define (default-section post medias)
     24   `((hr)
     25     (h2 ,(post-title post))
     26     ,@medias))
     28 (define* (gallery #:key
     29 		  (file-name "gallery.html")
     30 		  (media-tags '(img video))
     31 		  (section-template default-section)
     32 		  (title "Gallery")
     33 		  (filter posts/reverse-chronological)
     34 		  (template (lambda (site title body) body)))
     35   "Return a builder procedure that renders every images from a list of posts
     36 within a single HTML file, eventually wrapped by the TEMPLATE procedure.
     38 FILE-NAME: The page file name.
     40 MEDIA-TAGS: This is a list of HTML tags that should be included as media to
     41 render in the gallery.
     43 SECTION: This procedure takes two argument: the post object and a list of SXML
     44 nodes corresponding to the medias within this post.
     46 FILTER: The procedure called to manipulate the posts list before rendering.
     48 TEMPLATE: This procedure takes three arguments: the site object, the page title
     49 string, and an SXML tree of the page body. It returns one value: a new SXML tree
     50 representing complete HTML page that presumably wraps the page body."
     51   (lambda (site posts)
     52     (serialized-artifact file-name
     53 			 (filter-map (lambda (p)
     54 				       (let ((m ((sxml-filter media-tags)
     55 						(post-sxml p))))
     56 					 (if (null? m)
     57 					     #f
     58 					     (section-template p m))))
     59 			      (filter posts))
     60 			 (lambda (body port)
     61 			   (sxml->html (template site title body) port)))))